LINKED Personality Quiz


You’re only 26 questions away from discovering your dominant personality via our online LINKED® Personality Quiz below.

Are you the Get-it-done Mobilizer?

Perhaps you’re the Life-of-the-party Socializer!

The Keep-it-peaceful Stabilizer, maybe that’s you?

You may be the Everything-in-order Organizer.

No matter which personality is your dominant, I’m sure you’re ready to get this started.

As you take the quiz, go with your first response.

The questions are short. Don’t overthink – there are no right or wrong answers, just yours.

You’ll receive an instant email with a brief description of your results and a follow-up email within the next week or so with additional information pertaining to your dominant personality.

Thank you for stopping by.

Please note: we all learn and adopt new and needed behaviors as we grow. If you get stuck, choose the answer that best reflects who you are at home, when no one’s looking.